Sunday, January 8, 2012

Next trip - Australia :D

today my mum go find aunty Lilian cos wanna give her things that brought at Indo
some cookies and cakes
Suddenly, they chit chat so happy is about wanna go Australia
do some bussiness or study or @#$%^&*
Aduii, seriously, i don't want :)
no matter how good the salary if work at there, how good the standard of their school, how famous was their country and i prefer stay at here
1st is my hers is here, so for who all couple-ing nobody want leave their partner at here alone right? 1st reason
2cd is my think if study at here the cost will cheaper than study at there right? Australia is so high standard and their cost and school fees is enough for us to buy a car or something. if can, i prefer after i finish study at here then only go there for working. i can learn my english 1st so i can speak it smoothly :)
3rd is i still not have the mood for go there :( i am f tired lol ! and feel so strange at there seems like a child is losing her ways. and all is gui lou @.@ aduiii !!! all tall and big and white and pretty ........... and i lazy to said that :/
don't know that, now busying for my car test and find job and chinese new year is coming and later want go travelling bla bla bla .......... waiting for my results ;)

bye !!

seriously !! i fucking hate you always spend your time with them but no time with me !!! :D
u leave me alone ..............................

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