Thursday, August 25, 2011


Yes. my babe. You had been hurt me and lie me :)
what i suppose to do now? Blame you? i can't. don't asked me why. there is no reason for that :)
maybe just a simple sentence -- I LOVE YOU.
I just don't know why you will lie me? You're the person that i trusted most. but why you can do that to me? am i done anything wrong? why you want hurt me like that? when i asked you, you do not admit it but still can just like that. why babe? :'((
it's gonna hurt me deeply. that moment, my heart is broken. i'm feel disappointed about you. why babe? :'((((

Yea. there is something happened about us. we had been argue again.
Babe, do you know that today (23/8/2011) is our anniversary?
our 1 years months anniversary. did you remember on it?
did you realize that i really love you much? i really hope so :'))

Babe, sorry for that. i know i'm so cruel. right? yea.
Babe, please forgive me can? i know i had done something wrong already :'(
I've been hurt u deep. i think this is not the first time we argue badly like this :'(

Let me disappear?
let me leave from you.
I'm not qualified to stay at your side.
babe, we can go back to the day that we sweet again?
i hope this won't happen to us again, really !

END :')

Even though BELIEVE, but i know still got a LIE inside :')

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