Monday, May 9, 2011

can i shout??

So disappointed today ! oh my gosh ! really frustrated ! what a fucking day !
My BM exam paper. seriously, i don't have enough time to write it all. just simply write. and i really don't i have written now. can i give it up all? i'm really so tired. so rush and all the points really out of my mind. don't what that talking about? yes. i'm really LOSE and DIE on this paper. Kavita still say who get below 60 marks she will punish. Oh my gosh? 60marks? can you don't make a fool and kidding teacher? BM paper was SET from JPN. all is selaras. how come our class can get 60marks above? this really impossible. if anybody get higher than 60marks, i'm sure that i will kill that person. any problem with her brain? i think no. the most got problem is my brain. what i have thinking about? why i waste so many time to think and not enough time to write. Jessica, what you doing now? you still can relax? can concentrate to others paper? ans is NO. i can't. don't ask me why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucking out of mood.
I try my best to know more about you, but you make me wanna far apart from you. why u want treat me like this? MY BM IS GONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~
u make me hate you, :(
i'm sad now. i promise myself if i can't get the marks that i want, i'll fight for you and you gonna die soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! ishhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who is the winner for this paper? arghhhhhhhhhhhhh ><
i wish, really wish i can get a better marks than last time. really. i know i'm weak than SC class student, but i really wish i'm the best at ART class. must be confident! i know i can do it well. nvm. just try my best and do my best. i won't be regret it. i know our class all is talented and BEST! yeah! PE IS THE BEST!
i love my 5PE although we're not as smart as SC class. not as pro as SC class. :D
i should trust myself. Jessica. just cool down and relax when do it. don't be so nervous, it might to help u think more and can do it well! :D

smile :'D

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